Click on the link to see the pedigree... You sure will find some famous European Doberman names on it...
About me


'Arun Kantu Del Naissus is a stud male for healthy, sportive and in mentality strong Dobermans.
Regarding his line, there are wonderful, noble dogs with unique heads! Characteristic and strong, but among all this, elegant, as well !
He brings a tremendous will to work, which is deep-seated within this line. He is a stately, powerful dog with a wonderful fore chest. He is 71cm and about 42kg.
I expect him to hand down his stately, strong stature as well as his expressive head, his great habits and his UNBENDING will to work.
His performance in IPO sports is outstanding! The grip is ALWAYS full, calm and tight! His obedience peformances shows steady points of 90 and above.
He is a totally focussed tracker with wonderful tracking abilities... Calm, steady and confident.
When he was only 22 months ols he already achieved the BH, ZTP V1A, AD, IPO1, IPO2. He now has the IPO3 (96/93/94), FH1 (97) and the FH2 (100) also!
On the 17th of june 2017 he successfully got the german DV "Erstkörung" (bonitation) with V1B!!!
Even though he we did only THREE shows yet, he got an Exc.2 on his first show in Luxemburg 2015 and won the title of Vice Champion Combination winner at the Europe Club Show and Combination winner in Bratislava 2016 and made an amazing V3 in working class, there! 2017 AGAIN he managed to be Vice Champion Combination winner at the Europe club show!!!
He sure could act as a show dog also, but our focus is more about sports.
Not only his handler is enthusiastic about his performances... He gets admiration everywhere he goes!

'Arun Kantu Del Naissus -Doberman Extraordinaire